Spring cleaning in the fall
On Thursday Nov. 14th, Justin and my grandpa began to remove the wood paneling from the walls to expose the frame of the traler. Underneth they found the old insulation and come to find out it was asbestos! Asbestos was used as insulation before it was known to cause cancer. More facts about the risks of exposure to asbestos:http://m.cancer.gov/topics/factsheets/asbestos
**please know that if you are redoing and old camper to use cauton! Do the proper research before redoing an old camper to see if you might encounter harmful substances or materials. Please take the proper procauton and procedures. Teams are available to get rid of this problem. Please do not attempt to remove it yourself without doing your reserch. **
We began to remove all signs of asbestos using the proper equipment. After that was done Justin also removed the old toilet. That was almost a whole days work in itself. The nuts that held the bolts down where on the under belly of the Spartan and they where very hard to remove. This gave Justin a chance to teach me how to use power tools! Fun for me and scary for him. Justin had to crawl underneath the old plumbing and hold the old and rested over nut with a wrench while I was on the inside of the camper with a drill thing to lose the bolts. We almost had all of them off and eventually gave up. Justin then went inside the camper with sledge hammer and broke the toilet into tiny pieces to remove the bowl of the toilet. He then used a ripsaw to cut out the plumbing that was left. He also removed the aluminum shower pan with a sledge hammer. In the original 1946 Sparton Manor the slower and toilet where one unit and we plan to recreate this in our new layout to conserve room.

Now that we had it striped out completely we made yet another trip to Lowes. We where on the hunt for subfloor! Whle enterining lowes we saw a man loading supplys into his truck.justin had the idea to ask him for advice on what type of plywood to use in a camper. He told us that what is stander in mosrt homes was 3/4" thick plywood and that they even make some that is marien tretedthat is garuteed not to rot or get water damaged but we where going to pay a pretty penny for that. Justin knows a good bit about remodeling and knew that 3/4" thick plywood would be too heavy and we went with a lesd thick plywood. We are trying to keep the weight to a minamum. We have a 25 foot trailer that is 7 feet wide so after a helpful employee at Lowes helped us do the mat he told use we would need 6 sheets. The total cost for the subfloor was $200.00. We also looked for a buffer to polish the trailer but came up empty handed. We checked auto zone but they where extremely expensive. We plan to check our local pawn shops in hopes to be more successful. We did however buy some aluminum polish for the future. (Side note: justin used some "elbow greese", a rag and the polish and its already shining up like a diamond! Woohoo!)
The next day we had some delays. My grandpas truck broke down and Justin had to help him replace new spark plugs on the truck. Seemed like an easy task for justin. He has done all of the work on our jeep and replacing sparkplugs was and easy task. Not if you have a 2000 ford ranger. It took forever! In the mean time while they worked on the truck I rememoved the rest of the left over residue left over from the asbestos with a shop vac. I also used a mixture of "Awesome", water and "Mr. Clean" in a pump sprayer and lined the whole inside of the trailer. This helped with the smell amensly! At first we had considerd water and bleach as a cleaning agent but after some resurch and priceless wisdom from grandpa, we found out the bleach oxidizes aluminum and will cause it to tarnesh. Its always in your best interest to look around for other alternatives. Do your homework for sure before tackeling any project!
**Attention Attention**
We need some help. I have taken a couple of picters of the paid checks that we found in the Sparton. I have no idea where to start to figure out who these belong to. If anyone can give me some insight I would be very greatful!
If you have any comments or questions or comments you can contact us at: lifeinthebestmanor@gmail.com
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